Since Google officially released Android Q on September 2, 2019, Xiaomi has a list of 11 smartphones that will get the Android Q update in the near future. Introduced in the beta release by Google in March 2019, Android Q will be made available to upgrade/update by Xiaomi on the following 11 handsets.
- Redmi Note 7
- Redmi Note 7 Pro
- Xiaomi Mi 9
- Redmi K20 Pro
- Xiaomi Mi 8
- Xiaomi Mi 8 Explorer
- Xiaomi Mi 8 screen fingerprint edition
- Xiaomi Mi MIX 2S
- Xiaomi Mi MIX 3
- Redmi K20
- Xiaomi Mi 9SE
As per the official MI Android Q beta announcement, Mi MIX 3 5G, Mi 9, and Redmi K20 Pro are in
the Android Q Beta program. This update will fix some of the critical issues encountered on some of the devices.
For other devices that are eligible for Android Q will have to wait for Q1/Q2 of 2020 for the upgrade.