Here's how Telegram's latest updates make it more powerful and compete with WhatsApp

MN Staff / October 27, 2024

Image Info/Credits: Telegram

Telegram, widely known for its unique end-to-end encryption messages has rolled a number of features with its 5.13 update, both for iOS and Android platforms.

With a 5.13 update, users can create themes with patterns and color gradients and schedule messages to be sent for the offline recipients. Sharing venue/locations, switching to Night Mode and back, dark maps in Night Mode are few more features rolled in this update. Users can now choose the video quality in a more intuitive way when sending videos.

On iOS users can choose the Dark theme on Settings > Appearance > Night Mode for iPhones. There are 3 more themes: Classic, Tinted and Morning Apple apart from Night and Light themes.

Telegram claims to be the fastest messaging app on the market with over 200M active users in 4 years. Users can create groups with up to 200K members, share large videos and documents. The ability of Telegram to set up bots for specific tasks makes it an ideal tool for hosting online communities and collaboration.

Telegram comes 100% ads free and is popularly known to respect users' privacy seriously.

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